May 24, 2024

How It Is Going

Let the dreams start now…

When one door closes, another door will open. I truly believe that everything happens for a reason. You may not know or understand the reasoning at its given moment, but the time will eventually come and you will realize what happened is for the better.
I was just beginning to start my part-time retirement when a knocking came upon to us.
Want to thank T. Gallagher at Vinland Marketplace for the opportunity and believing what we could bring to the community.

It was a slow start for myself. Getting the backside going with paperwork, going to the city to get a new business started, applying for licenses, etc is the toughest and most time consuming process. If anyone knows me, i have no patience. Nonetheless both Chef and I were very excited like kids at a candy store. The possibilities are endless when two creative minds come together. Putting together a menu and concept is all Chef Tamas' work. He is a genius when it comes to that. His precision and careful thoughtfulness is absolutely on point. He looks at every scenario like a scientist looking under a microscope. I admire that.

After high school, I studied graphic and web design. I've used this knowledge in so many ways. The design and artistic has always been my strong suit. Yet again, I designed our logo with our initials as it holds very close to me. The TR is actually Chef Tamas' unique (doctor) handwriting.

As the tenant improvements keep improving day by day, I am very surprised as how everything is molding into its place.
It's unique but has a story to tell.

This is just the height of my journey…

"Never regret anything, even if it hurts you.
This is when you find the truth within yourseLf.
Nothing that kiLLs you makes you stronger"

May 24, 2024

How It Is Going

Let the dreams start now…

When one door closes, another door will open. I truly believe that everything happens for a reason. You may not know or understand the reasoning at its given moment, but the time will eventually come and you will realize what happened is for the better.
I was just beginning to start my part-time retirement when a knocking came upon to us.
Want to thank T. Gallagher at Vinland Marketplace for the opportunity and believing what we could bring to the community.

It was a slow start for myself. Getting the backside going with paperwork, going to the city to get a new business started, applying for licenses, etc is the toughest and most time consuming process. If anyone knows me, i have no patience. Nonetheless both Chef and I were very excited like kids at a candy store. The possibilities are endless when two creative minds come together. Putting together a menu and concept is all Chef Tamas' work. He is a genius when it comes to that. His precision and careful thoughtfulness is absolutely on point. He looks at every scenario like a scientist looking under a microscope. I admire that.

After high school, I studied graphic and web design. I've used this knowledge in so many ways. The design and artistic has always been my strong suit. Yet again, I designed our logo with our initials as it holds very close to me. The TR is actually Chef Tamas' unique (doctor) handwriting.

As the tenant improvements keep improving day by day, I am very surprised as how everything is molding into its place.
It's unique but has a story to tell.

This is just the height of my journey…

"Never regret anything, even if it hurts you.
This is when you find the truth within yourseLf.
Nothing that kiLLs you makes you stronger"

May 24, 2024

How It Is Going

Let the dreams start now…

When one door closes, another door will open. I truly believe that everything happens for a reason. You may not know or understand the reasoning at its given moment, but the time will eventually come and you will realize what happened is for the better.
I was just beginning to start my part-time retirement when a knocking came upon to us.
Want to thank T. Gallagher at Vinland Marketplace for the opportunity and believing what we could bring to the community.

It was a slow start for myself. Getting the backside going with paperwork, going to the city to get a new business started, applying for licenses, etc is the toughest and most time consuming process. If anyone knows me, i have no patience. Nonetheless both Chef and I were very excited like kids at a candy store. The possibilities are endless when two creative minds come together. Putting together a menu and concept is all Chef Tamas' work. He is a genius when it comes to that. His precision and careful thoughtfulness is absolutely on point. He looks at every scenario like a scientist looking under a microscope. I admire that.

After high school, I studied graphic and web design. I've used this knowledge in so many ways. The design and artistic has always been my strong suit. Yet again, I designed our logo with our initials as it holds very close to me. The TR is actually Chef Tamas' unique (doctor) handwriting.

As the tenant improvements keep improving day by day, I am very surprised as how everything is molding into its place.
It's unique but has a story to tell.

This is just the height of my journey…

"Never regret anything, even if it hurts you.
This is when you find the truth within yourseLf.
Nothing that kiLLs you makes you stronger"

May 24, 2024

How It Is Going

Let the dreams start now…

When one door closes, another door will open. I truly believe that everything happens for a reason. You may not know or understand the reasoning at its given moment, but the time will eventually come and you will realize what happened is for the better.
I was just beginning to start my part-time retirement when a knocking came upon to us.
Want to thank T. Gallagher at Vinland Marketplace for the opportunity and believing what we could bring to the community.

It was a slow start for myself. Getting the backside going with paperwork, going to the city to get a new business started, applying for licenses, etc is the toughest and most time consuming process. If anyone knows me, i have no patience. Nonetheless both Chef and I were very excited like kids at a candy store. The possibilities are endless when two creative minds come together. Putting together a menu and concept is all Chef Tamas' work. He is a genius when it comes to that. His precision and careful thoughtfulness is absolutely on point. He looks at every scenario like a scientist looking under a microscope. I admire that.

After high school, I studied graphic and web design. I've used this knowledge in so many ways. The design and artistic has always been my strong suit. Yet again, I designed our logo with our initials as it holds very close to me. The TR is actually Chef Tamas' unique (doctor) handwriting.

As the tenant improvements keep improving day by day, I am very surprised as how everything is molding into its place.
It's unique but has a story to tell.

This is just the height of my journey…

"Never regret anything, even if it hurts you.
This is when you find the truth within yourseLf.
Nothing that kiLLs you makes you stronger"